About Me: What would you like to know?

The standard stuff, then: human being (but only because being a horse, apparently, was not an option this time around. So disappointed ...), living on Planet Earth (so grateful, such a wondrous place), born before the 21st century came along (bringing us no end of chaos and a plea for changes long overdue), grounded here daily by the presence of those who share my very very small circle of connected hearts (brave souls all, who go out into the world and do their part so that I can stay safe and comfy in my studio).
Not enough? Let's see: self-taught from a family of self-taught, independently-minded creatives.  Incurable helper/fixer/info-sharer.

The reason I created a home for my art? I am a huge believer in the concept that we are all here to learn, grow, and help others do the same. For me, the creative outlets of music, art, writing, and theatre provide such a wonderful way to express what it is to be human!  When we are hurting or when we are overwhelmed by awe and/or joy, it seems like humans long to find ways to share those experiences and feelings. When we feel lost, confused, or hopeless, we need and long for the comfort of knowing that we are not alone - that others share our suffering and understand. 

Some people write books. Some people create music. People like me create pictures. In the effort and the desire to speak to the human experience, we are sending out messages of hope, love, compassion, and comfort. I think this is true whether the works we create are "high art" or not. There is someone out in the world (maybe you?) who is looking for a moment of light, a breath of air, a reason to laugh or smile or pick ourselves up and take the next step through our day. 

Those are the people I think of when I create pictures. (I'm secretly pretty sure that every single human being is that person at some point, right? Money and power and influence don't shield us from being human, hard as people try to believe that.) In everything I do, I am sending out silent wishes for all beings to be happy, healthy, and at peace (and by all beings, I include everything on this dear planet: rocks, plants, water, air ...  all the infinitely small/large stuff that makes Earth so amazing). 
